"Screech" is a twin-stick shooter where players need to scream at a microphone in order to attack enemies. Levels are procedural generated, after completing a level, players find themselves in a new level and the endless cycle continues until they run out of health. “Screech” designed and developed during a gamejam in Unity.
Served as a programmer in team of 5.
Developed procedural generation system.
Helped developing enemy A.I.
Helped designing gameplay.
Scream To Attack
Players use microphone in order to attack. Low and high pitch attacks cast different projectiles and effect different enemies.
procedural GEneration
Levels are procedural generated in Screech.
Map nodes generated for given size in a two dimentional matrix and nodes assigned as walkable or not-walkable.
Then nodes smoothed out via looking their neighbors. Tiles neighboring more then four not-walkable tiles become not walkable, walkable tiles with less then 5 -not-walkable neighbors become walkable.
All the not-walkable tiles that are not neighbor to a walkable tile discarded.
Not walkable tiles built as bounds and meshes got put in the place.
Walkable tiles built as playing are and meshes got put in the place.
There are two type of enemies in Screech. Both of the enemy types uses same movement rules.
Track Player -> Reach Stopping Difference -> Attack
Blue Mushman
Blue mushman attacks with it’s cleaver at melee range. Blue enemy gets extra damage from low pitch attack.
Green Mushman
Blue mushman attacks with it’s cleaver at melee range. Blue enemy gets extra damage from low pitch attack.